Environment and Sustainability Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 25 June 2014




Meeting time:

09.30 - 11.48




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Alun Ffred Jones AM (Chair)

Russell George AM

Llyr Gruffydd AM

Julie James AM

Julie Morgan AM

William Powell AM

Joyce Watson AM








Jane Holownia, Wales Audit Office

Andy Phillips, Performance Specialist, Wales Audit Office

Mark S. Williams, Caerphilly County Borough Council

Andrew Wilkinson, Conwy County Borough Council

Alan L. Roberts, Denbighshire County Council

Richard Brown, Pembrokeshire County Council

Isobel Moore, Natural Resources Wales

Nadia De Longhi, Natural Resources Wales






Committee Staff:


Alun Davidson (Clerk)

Adam Vaughan (Deputy Clerk)

Nia Seaton (Researcher)

Chloe Corbyn (Researcher)






View the meeting transcript.



1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1 Apologies were received from Mick Antoniw, Gwyn Price, and Antoinette Sandbach.  There were no substitutions.




2    Inquiry into recycling in Wales: Evidence from Wales Audit Office

2.1 Witnesses responded to questions from Members of the Committee.




3    Inquiry into recycling in Wales: Evidence from Local Authorities

3.1 Witnesses responded to questions from Members of the Committee.




4    Inquiry into recycling in Wales: Evidence from Natural Resources Wales

4.1 Witnesses responded to questions from Members of the Committee.




5    Papers to note</AI6>



5.1  Biodiversity - Further information from Natural Resources Wales following 21 May meeting

The Committee noted the paper




5.2  Correspondence between the Chair and Natural Resources Wales following 7 May meeting

The Committee noted the letter




5.3  Inquiry into the Welsh Government’s proposals for the M4 around Newport : Response from the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport to the letter from the Chair on 5 June

The Committee agreed to write a follow up letter to the Minister




6    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for item 7




7    Forward Work Programme - Update

